For thousands of years,people usedenemasto cleanse the colon and help them treatconstipation and other bowel problems.

Thewonderfulbenefits of enemas aren't just limited to those health issues. Enemas are able to get rid of toxins that build up in your body. Aside from that,you can experience weight loss, a boost in energy, detoxing of the liver, and better circulation of the blood. Enemas are an amazing treatment that can clear up the skin, making you look healthy and refreshed.Please keep in mind though, if you are suffering from a severe health issue, it’s recommended that you seek advice from your physician first before usingan enema solution at your home. Enemas might not be safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. This treatment must be used carefully to ensure safety. At all times, filtered water that is in room temperature must be used.

What are Enemas?

Administeringan enema solution is simply atechnique used to get rid of the stool in the colon. In the process, a fluid is injectedinto the rectumto loosen the stool and make it easier to be expelled. This process assists in treating constipation or cleansing the digestive tract.If you search the internet, you will discover the diversity of ingredients that can be used enemas. You can even see different types of herbal enema recipes online. Some of the most used enema solutions consist of coffee enemas or hot water enemas.

Before a person is advised to go through a medical procedure, these are the popular treatments used to treat constipation and for a general colon cleanse.Depending on thetype of ingredient you choose, administering an enema can possibly clearheavy metals, healgut problems, andgive your immune system its much-needed boost.

Things you need for administering an enema in the comfort of your home:


  • Enema bucket kit –You may buy a clear enema bag or a stainless-steel enema bucketthat features silicone enema tube that is medical grade.Thebest enema kit to choose from isMedisential’s Enema Kit.At around $40 you can’t go wrong. It’s also the only stainless steel kit on the market today with a silicone lid.

For an Easy Enema Recipe, simply follow instructions below:

  • 2-4 cup of warm filtered water
  • Ingredients of your choice. Ingredients will depend on your chosen recipe (e.g. probiotics, coffee, herbs, lemon juice,Epsom salt, and many others)
  • A medium-sized pan
  • A fine-mesh strainer and a cheesecloth
  • Lubricant (e.g. organic coconut oil)
  • Anything else that will help you get comfortable. (Towel, pillow, mat oranything else you may need as you liedown.)

Administering an Enema Solution

Administering an enema solution is best to doafter your very first bowel movementin the morning.

  • Before preparing your enema kit, make sure to read all the instructions that came with it.
  • Prepare your chosen enema solution. It has to be lukewarm (37-40C or 98-104F). It is crucial thatyour enema solution is filtered and strained carefully usinga mesh strainer and clean cheesecloth.
  • Carefully pour the enemasolution in the bucket or bag. But before doing this, see to it that theclamp is tightly sealed.
  • Place the bag or buckethigher than the position of your body. You may find a table or chair beside you that might be useful.
  • Once you found a comfortable space where you can lie down,lie down on your right side. Curve your body and bow your head (fetal position).
  • Carefullyunlock the clamp of the enema to enablethe liquid solution to fill the rube. Clamp tightly once it is done.
  • Use a lubricant forthe nozzle’s tip. Make sure that the tip is lubricated well before proceeding to the next step.
  • Slowly insert the tubing 2 inches inside your rectum. To make things easier, try to keepyour right leg straight. However, your left leg must be placed toward the chest. Maintain this position.
  • Carefullyunclamp the bag and letthe solution If you are uncomfortable or start feeling any pain, just pinch thetube in order to slow down the flow. Ifyou begin to notice someair bubbles, unclamp the bag immediately.
  • Stayin your position. Start slow if it’s your first time. Gradually, you can add more minutes.
  • After administering, sit on the toilet and wait for a smooth release.

How often should Enemas be used?

It is always best to talk with your physician first before administering anykind of enemasolution. If you are suffering from a chronic illness, ask your doctor about how often you can administer enemas. Most doctors would recommend administering once or up to 4 times daily.

If you are not suffering from any type of chronic illness, administering enemas once a week is enough to just keep your bowels moving smoothly.

Water Enemas

If you are looking fora quick colon cleanse,a water enema is theeasiest option. It is simple and safe to use. It is also very effective in softening the stool. In fact, hospitals use water enemas most of the time as they carry out CT scans.Variousstudies conducted regarding water enemasshow positive effects on constipation treatment in kids and adults. And if enema additives are used, such as vegetable glycerin or oil, the rateof continence (ability to control bowel movement or bladder) will significantly increase.

If you’ve never tried using enemas before, the water enemais the perfectoption to start with. Do not think about adding different types of ingredients on your first go. It is recommendedto use clean filtered waterat all times because the chlorine might kill the good bacteria in your gut.


Steps for Making Water Enema

Preparingan enemawater solution is so simple and easy! In fact,the only thing you have to prepare are2-4 cups of filtered water.

  • Put2-4 cups of filtered water in a pan or pot.
  • Place the pan on your stove top and turn it to the highest setting.
  • Wait for the water come to a full rolling boil.
  • Remove the waterfrom heat. Let it cool into room temperature before using. (Do notskip this important step.)

Coffee Enemas

Acoffee enemais another type of colon cleanse that is safe and effective to use. For so many years, this type of enema solution has been proven effective in detoxingthe body. Some even claim that it is an effective way to treat cancer. In fact, coffee enemas are a vitalpart of a therapy that cancer patients go through (the Gerson Therapy). Many studies have also proven that caffeine — the potent compound found in coffee —is ableto open up bile ducts, thus intensifying bile production.

Using coffee ingredient in enemas also fuels the production of glutathionein our livers. It is able to develop glutathione productionby 600 to 700% beyond its normal levels. Some people might now know thatGlutathione is considered to be themost important type of antioxidant that is produced by our bodies. It is considered as the “master antioxidant” which makes it essential for body detoxification. Moreover, glutathione assists in boosting the immune system, improving energy levels and mental clarity. It also aids in neutralizing free radicals thatbreaks down in the bile, then defecatedout of the body.

With that being said, coffee enemas are an effective solutionto fasten thedetoxification process of the body.

If you are suffering fromheavy metal poisoning or toxicity,a quick coffee enemacleanse should be done twice or three times a week. Avoid enemas for cleansing more than thrice a week because the beneficial minerals insideyour body might also get washed-out.If you aren’t suffering from any health condition, do it only once a week. However, people who are suffering from chronic illness can do them once daily, or even more than that under the supervision of their health care professional.


Steps for Making a Coffee Enema Solution

Preparing a coffee enema solution or coffee enemas recipe is not that hard. Just remember that using organic coffee beansis a must! Using other types of coffee mightadd even more toxins in yourbody.

Recipe for Coffee Enema

  • Prepare 2 tablespoons of ground coffee and filtered water.
  • Brew 3 cups of coffee. See to it that all coffeebeans have been filtered out of the enema solution.
  • Remove itfrom the heat. Allow it to cool into room temperature before using.

Herbal Enemas

There are different types of herbal enema recipes online that you can try! Whatever herb you use, you can be assured that it will go straightin your bloodstream in order toassist the cleansing and healing process as they are absorbed by the intestinal walls.

There are several herbs to choose from if you want to go for this type of enema solution. It all depends on the benefit you want to receive. Just like drinking different herbal teas to remedy ailments and , herbal enemas also work that way.

Chamomile isone of the common types of herbal enemas being used today. Chamomile boasts its soothing and relaxing benefits. Adding chamomile in your enema solution will relax your colon. It can also lessen the symptoms of gut inflammation, such asintestinal pain andcramps. Due to its calming properties, it is also an effective treatment for anxiety and sleep disorders.


Steps for Making Chamomile Enema Solution

Preparingan enema chamomile solutionis not as hard as it seems.

  • Puta quart of clean watering a pan or pot.
  • Using flowers or a tea bag, infuse the filtered water with chamomile. Let it boil.
  • If you are using chamomile flowers, strain them. If you are using tea bags, put them away.
  • Add one more quart of filtered water.
  • Remove the infused water from heat and allow the solution to cool into room temperature before using. (Do not skip this step. It is very important.

Garlic Enemas (to treat parasites and candida)

Using a garlic enema can help your body get rid of parasites and fight candida. Garlic holds compounds that contain strong medicinal properties. Itis a powerfulantibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-parasitic. It is also an effective immune system booster and it aids in clearing out the colon from toxins and mucus.

Garlic is potent so avoid using it on a regular basis. At all times, go fortop-quality garlic.

Furthermore, using garlic enema will cause your colon to absorb the allicin. Allicin is the compound that makes garlic powerful. Absorbing this will cause the body to smell like garlic, so you may want to stay away from people for quite some time while using this solution.


Steps forPreparing a Garlic Enema Liquid Solution

Preparing a garlic enema solution is not as hard as it seems.

  • Prepare 5cloves of fresh garlic. Crush them. Make sure to use high-quality garlic.
  • Put the crushed garlicin a single quart of filtered water. Let it stay for at least15 minutes.
  • Carefully strain the water. Make sure it is warm before using.
  1. Probiotic Enemas (perfect for treating gut inflammation)

When it comes to the immune system and brain functioning,the human microbiome playsan essential part of his or her overall well-being. With that being said, administering aprobiotic enemasolution aids in settlingbeneficial bacteria inside the gut. Sincethey aren’t roaming in your body by means ofthe digestive tracts, they have a greater chance of subsistence.

Probiotic enemasdon’t just affect brain health. All in all, it helpsestablish beneficial bacteriaand lessen gut inflammation. If you are interested in learningmore information regarding the relation of the brain and gut, continue reading.

A healthy gut is essential to healthierabsorption of minerals and vitamins. It also lessens brain fog, thus improving mood.

Children ages 6-18 years old that are suffering from mild to moderate ulcerative colitis participatedin a clinical trialusinga liquid enema solution consisting of Lactobacillus (L) reuteri.

The patients were administered with a probiotic enema solution for 8 weeks. The children who complete the trial showed a substantialreduction in inflammation in comparisonto the group who wasn’t administered with enemas. The placebo group has 0% clinical remission, unlike the Lactobacillus L. reuteri group that claims 31%.


Steps for Making a Probiotic Enema Solution

Preparinga liquid solution using probiotic enema only requires 1 teaspoon of probiotic powder and 2 quarts of warm filtered water.This easy recipe isone of the best ways to boost your gut bacteria!

  • Prepare thepowdered form of the probiotic to be used. (Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium longum, and Bifdocaterium lactis are highly recommended)
  • Mix the powder of probiotic in the water. Continue mixing until the powder dissolves completely.
  • Administeras an enema solution using an enema bucket kit.

Epsom Salt Enema (perfect for treating constipation)

Epsom Salt Enemas arejust like Water Enema. However, it can provide greater results for treating constipation anddetoxifying the colon.Epsom salts, as the mainingredient, aids in relaxing the intestinal muscles since it is able todraw a huge amount of water into your colon. This is the result of the high quantities of magnesium that also helps in liver detox.


Steps for Making an Enema Solution with Epsom Salt

Preparing an Epsom salt enema solution is fast and simple to do. All you need are7-8 cups of clean filtered water and 4 tablespoons of Epsom salt.

  • Mix the salt in the water until it dissolves completely.
  • Administer as your enema solution.

Make sure that you do not use this Enema solution on a regular basis since it can result in dehydration. When administering any type of Enema solution, you have to keep yourself well-hydrated.

Lemon Juice Enema Solution (perfect for pH balance)

Lemon juice is another great cleansing enema solution.

For pH balance, a lemon juice enema is the best solution. Lemons are famous for balancingthe colon’s pH levels. It is even effective in treating discomfort linked with colitis.


Steps for Making a Lemon Juice Enema Solution

Preparingan enema solution with lemon juiceis so simple!

  • Squeeze and strain 2/3 cups of lemon.
  • Mix the lemon juice in2 quarts lukewarm water. See to it that the water isnot too cold or hot.
  • Administer as your enema solution usingan enema bucket kit.

Avoid using this enema solutiontwice a week. This will help you prevent any type of irritation in the intestinal lining. Also, avoid holding it in fora long period of time.

Safety Measures


  • If you are suffering from a severe health issue, consult your physician first before using enema.
  • If you pregnant or breastfeeding, enemas might not be safe for you.
  • Administering enemas regularly could possibly result in electrolyte imbalances. It is important to keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration one of the main side effects of enema.
  • Before trying coffee enema recipes or herbal enema recipes online, consult your doctor first.
  • At all times, make sure that your liquid enema solution is cooled to room temperature before you use it. Hot enema solution will burn the rectum and colon. This is a serious matter that may require surgery.
  • If you are not comfortable, do not force yourself to keep on holding in the enema solution.
  • Do not force yourself to defecate afterward. Just be patient, especially if you are suffering from constipation.

Solving Possible Problems

  • You may experience water leaksometimes. When this happens, see to itthat the tip of the nozzle is carefully placed 2 inches inside the rectum.
  • Just in case you hear bubbling or spurting sounds, do not worry. They are normal. That is just your body getting rid of toxins.
  • Sometimes, you may experience having crampsas the liquid flows in. When this happens,unclamp the tube Relax your body.Take some deep breaths and wait for the cramp to go away in no time.


What is the best liquid for an enema? ›

Some commonly-used enema solutions include:
  • Normal saline solution. It is a combination of salt and water. ...
  • Glycerin. It stimulates the lining of the colon to cause bowel movements.
  • Castile soap. It is a mild soap made of many oils, like olive oil. ...
  • Coffee. ...
  • Phosphate solution.
Oct 8, 2023

How to make a homemade enema solution? ›

Pour about eight cups of hot, distilled water into a clean cup, bowl, or jar. The water temperature should be around body temp; so 98–100°F or 37–38°C . Put a small amount of Castile soap, iodized salt, or sodium butyrate into the water. Too much soap or salt can irritate your bowels.

What is the healthiest enema to use? ›

Mild enemas like water or saline carry the least risk, but you should consult your healthcare provider before using one at home.

Does an enema get all the poop out? ›

Usually, once a person stops passing stool of any consistency, the solution has worked through their body, and they would have cleared out all the remaining bowel contents.

What simple trick empties your bowels immediately? ›

Try drinking warm liquids like herbal tea or water, which can stimulate bowel movements. Gentle abdominal massage or light exercise like walking may also help.

How to clear out bowels quickly? ›

Water flush: Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is the simplest way to regulate digestion. Drinking six to eight glasses of lukewarm water per day is recommended for colon cleansing. Additionally, eating fresh fruits and vegetables high in water content like watermelon and tomatoes would be helpful.

What can I use instead of an enema? ›

The doctor will likely recommend other methods of relieving constipation, including fiber supplements, stool softeners, laxatives, and changes in diet, including an increased intake of liquids. The doctor may be able to help loosen stool in their office, as well. Enemas come with serious health risks.

Are homemade enemas safe? ›

Some people mix homemade solutions that consist of ingredients like soap, vinegar, milk or even coffee. Not all homemade ingredients have been tested for safety, though. They can potentially irritate or injure your colon. If you need an enema, it's worth it to purchase one that's safe.

What should come out after an enema? ›

It usually takes one to five minutes for the enema solution to bring on a bowel movement. The bowel movement will release not only your feces, but also the enema solution itself. After you've used the enema and gone to the bathroom, throw out the enema and wash your hands.

What to do when poop is stuck? ›

Physical assisted removal: A medical professional uses a gloved finger to manually remove poop from your rectum (digital disimpaction) or perform an abdominal massage to target the stuck stool. Laxatives: You can drink a polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution or use an over-the counter (OTC) laxative to cleanse your colon.

Which type of enema is most effective? ›

The Fleet enema for constipation is considered the most powerful, and must be given in the precise dosage to prevent side effects.

What if nothing comes out after an enema? ›

What should I do if I administer an enema and it does not work? If there is no bowel movement after 5 minutes of using, try to empty bowel. Call a doctor promptly after using a saline enema and no liquid comes out of the rectum after 30 minutes, because dehydration could occur.

How to stimulate bowel movement immediately? ›

Try These Tricks for Quick Bowel Movement Stimulation
  1. Drink coffee. Regarding drinks that make you poop, coffee is probably the first that comes to mind. ...
  2. Squat when you poop. ...
  3. Use a fiber supplement. ...
  4. Take a stimulant laxative. ...
  5. Take an osmotic laxative. ...
  6. Take a lubricant laxative. ...
  7. Try a stool softener. ...
  8. Use a suppository.
Aug 2, 2022

How to make homemade enemas? ›

Recipe to make normal saline enema:
  1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of table salt in 1 liter (1000 cc or ml) of water to make the correct concentration of saline.
  2. Take the recommended amount of saline prescribed by your doctor and mix in the recommended ingredients.

What not to eat after an enema? ›

You must not eat or drink anything after the enema until after your procedure.

What can I mix with water for an enema? ›

A sodium phosphate enema is a mix of water and salt (saline). These enemas pull water from your colon and into your stool, so it's easier to pass. Glycerin enemas also pull water into your colon to soften stools. Bisacodyl enemas stimulate your colon to move, so it pushes the poop out.

What type of enema is best for impaction? ›

Your doctor may need to remove a portion of the impacted stool manually. They may administer a soap suds enema afterward. This enema usually allows you to pass the remaining impacted stool soon after.

Is it safe to use plain water for an enema? ›

Because of several fatalities reported following tap-water enemas, many pediatricians now feel that these are contraindicated in any situation and give detailed instructions to parents regarding the preparation of isotonic solutions.

What is the best laxative to clean you out? ›

Instead, over-the-counter drugs such as polyethylene glycol (Miralax and generic), bisacodyl (Dulcolax laxative tablets and generic), or senna (Ex-Lax, Senokot, and generic) are a far better choice. They tend to work at least as well, often have more evidence for their safety, and are much cheaper.

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