rapini noodle bowl – A House in the Hills (2024)

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rapini noodle bowl – A House in the Hills (1)

I’ve never met a noodle bowl I didn’t love, not a single one. And, generally speaking, they satisfy in ways that other bowls of food just can’t. Did you hear that noodles? I am never, ever, ever, breaking up with you. No, that wasn’t a reference to a Taylor Swift song, just FYI. Pure coincidence. I definitely don’t write love songs to noodle bowls. Although I could. DON’T TEMPT ME!! xx- Sarah

rapini noodle bowl – A House in the Hills (2)
rapini noodle bowl – A House in the Hills (3)

rapini noodle bowl – A House in the Hills (4)
rapini noodle bowl – A House in the Hills (5)


serves 2


2 bunches of rapini

(1) 8oz package of buckwheat soba (I love this brand)

6 cloves crushed garlic

1 heaping tablespoon of ginger, peeled and finely chopped

3 tablespoons of toasted sesame oil

3 green onions, thinly sliced

1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1/8 cup reduced sodium tamari

1/8 cup mirin

sea salt

sesame seeds

1/2 lime per serving

1 lime


– Bring large pot of salted water to bowl.

– Cook noodles according to packageinstructions.

– When done, drain and rinse well under hot water.

– Wash rapini and trim off 1/2 inch off ends.

– Trimrapiniinto 1 inch pieces leaving some of the leaves.

– In a large frying pan combine 4 cloves crushed garlic, ginger, 2 tablespoons sesame oil, a giant pinch of sea salt, green onions, and 1/4teaspoon of red pepper flakes.

– Sauté over med-low heat for 2-3 minutes stirring frequently, until softened.

– Add rapini to frying pan and mix well.

– Cook rapini, stirring frequently until softened to your taste preference (I prefer mine crisp to retain the bright green coloring!)

– In a small bowl combine Tamari, Mirin, 1 tablespoon sesame oil and 2 cloves crushed garlic.

– Add noodles and tamari mixture to rapini. Cook for one additional minute.

– Garnish with sesame seeds and a squeeze of lime over each serving.

– Add additional red pepper flakes to taste for a little more heat!

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Reader Comments

  1. feed_pamera|

    Hi, i've never posted on a blog before, this is my first, but i just discovered your blog and i wanted to thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes, i have lots of new things to try to make now :).

  2. Sophie|

    YUM. This looks so delicious! I made your wild rice and broccolini recipe the other day and it really hit the spot. Thank you for this blog!

  3. Rebecca|

    Things I need to try, stat.

  4. Elizabeth|

    This looks scrumptious!

  5. tunie|

    6 cloves? This will cause major b.o. for a week! I'd make a parsley salad to go with or at least have – several – parsley juice shots. Parsley neutralizes that next day smell. But does look veddy delicious : )

  6. chero|

    What a great looking dish. I adore veggie noodle bowls and this looks perfect!

  7. Liz {What Dress Code?}|

    I love the pepperiness of rapini — such a great combo with the earthiness of the soba noodles!

  8. Vicky|

    oh! I love this recipe ! good, good!!! 🙂

  9. Sini | my blue&white kitchen|

    Made this yesterday using broccoli instead of rapini. Such a quick-to-make, tasty lunch! Next time, I'll add some salmon and avocado.

  10. Nicha@greenrecipes|

    This looks naturally tasty. Good for the body and taste buds 😉

  11. india|

    Looks gorgeous. I LOVE you photography! Have you discovered Explore Asian 100%Bean pasta/noodles? They are absolutely delicious. V.healthy. 🙂

  12. Vera|

    Hi Sarah, thank you for the lovely recipe! I made it with flowering shoots of napa cabbage and broccoli florets from our garden and it was so appropriately spring-like!

    x Vera

  13. Gabriela D'Arrigo|

    This recipe looks amazing! We would love to have it paired with our Andy Boy Broccoli Rabe!

  14. chicken Breast|

    At this moment I am ready to doo my breakfast, when having
    my breakfast colming again to read other news.

  15. Amelia|

    I loved the texture of this dish and the sauce (though would add a little extra sea salt), but I found the rapini really bitter! Maybe it is because it is the wrong season but I would definetly use brocolli or brocollini instead if I made it again.

rapini noodle bowl  –  A House in the Hills (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.