VIDEO solution: SCl3F3, TeF5-, and XeF2O2 What is the Lewis Structure, electron geometry, and molecular geometry? Is it polar or nonpolar? (2024)

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Make an ajax call to the server and get the search database. let databaseUrl = `/search/whiletype_database/`; let resp = single_whiletyping_ajax_promise; if (resp === null) { whiletyping_database_initial_burst = whiletyping_database_initial_burst + 1; single_whiletyping_ajax_promise = resp = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax({ url: databaseUrl, type: 'POST', data:{csrfmiddlewaretoken: "qBhaa9i78OWh9btPE88OzPGFmVRB23GJlmfifTPUL8fYbE8pLdM3PBYGCwAHiS1A"}, success: function (data) { // 3. verify that the elements of the database exist and are arrays if ( ('books' in data) && ('curriculum' in data) && ('topics' in data) && Array.isArray(data.books) && Array.isArray(data.curriculum) && Array.isArray(data.topics)) { localforage.setItem('whiletyping_last_success', (new Date()).getTime()); localforage.setItem('whiletyping_database', data); resolve(data); } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); resolve(null); }, complete: function (data) { single_whiletyping_ajax_promise = null; } }) }); } return resp; } return Promise.resolve(null); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); return Promise.resolve(null); }); } function get_whiletyping_search_object() { // gets the fuse objects that will be in charge of the search if (whiletyping_search_object){ return Promise.resolve(whiletyping_search_object); } database_promise = localforage.getItem('whiletyping_database').then(function(database) { return localforage.getItem('whiletyping_last_success').then(function(last_success) { if (database==null || (new Date()) - (new Date(last_success)) > 1000*60*60*24*30 || (new Date('2023-04-25T00:00:00')) - (new Date(last_success)) > 0) { // New database update return get_whiletyping_database().then(function(new_database) { if (new_database) { database = new_database; } return database; }); } else { return Promise.resolve(database); } }); }); return database_promise.then(function(database) { if (database) { const options = { isCaseSensitive: false, includeScore: true, shouldSort: true, // includeMatches: false, // findAllMatches: false, // minMatchCharLength: 1, // location: 0, threshold: 0.2, // distance: 100, // useExtendedSearch: false, ignoreLocation: true, // ignoreFieldNorm: false, // fieldNormWeight: 1, keys: [ "title" ] }; let curriculum_index={}; let topics_index={}; database.curriculum.forEach(c => curriculum_index[]=c); database.topics.forEach(t => topics_index[]=t); for (j=0; j

  • Textbooks
  • `); } function build_solutions() { if (Array.isArray(solution_search_result)) { const viewAllHTML = userSubscribed ? `View All` : ''; var solutions_section = $(`
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  • Textbooks View All
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    VIDEO solution: SCl3F3, TeF5-, and XeF2O2
What is the Lewis Structure, electron geometry, and molecular geometry? Is it polar or nonpolar? (2024)


    What is the molecular geometry and shape of tef5? ›

    T e F 5 − 1 is a negatively charged molecule. The central atom is tellurium, and five fluorine atoms are attached to it. There is a lone pair of electrons on tellurium. Five F-atoms and one lone pair around the central atom Te correspond to square pyramidal.

    What is the electron geometry and molecular geometry of xef2? ›

    Thus, the structure of xenon difluoride is: Thus, the electron geometry and molecular geometry of X e F 2 is trigonal bipyramidal and linear respectively.

    Is tef5 a polar or nonpolar ion? ›

    This ion is considered to be polar.

    What is the shape of the XeF2? ›

    XeF2 has 2 bond pairs and 3 lone pairs and so is sp3d hybridized. It has a geometry of trigonal bipyramidal in which the 3 lone pairs are placed in the equatorial positions (according to Bent's rule) to minimize the repulsions and the two F atoms are placed in axial positions, giving a linear shape.

    Is XeF2 linear or bent? ›

    XeF2 is linear with two lone pairs of electrons on equatorial position.

    What is the molecular geometry of scl2? ›

    Sulfur dichloride has a molecular formula . The geometry of is V-shaped or bent shape geometry. Due to the asymmetric geometrical shape and unequal electronegativity of atoms, the molecule is polar.

    What is the molecular orbital of XeF2? ›

    The bonding in XeF2 can be interpreted in terms the three-center four-electron bond. In linear XeF2 the molecular orbital can be considered to be a linear combination of the flourine 2p orbitals and the central xenon 5p. All overlap integrals are zero.

    What is the molecular shape of TeF2? ›

    TeF2 is bent with a C2v geometry, TeF3 has a planar, T-shaped geometry with C2v symmetry, TeF4 is a pseudo-trigonal bipyramid, TeF5 is predicted to have C4v symmetry, derived from a distorted octahedron, and TeF6 is octahedral.

    What is the hybridization for xe in the XeF2 molecule Lewis structure of XeF2 which shows that the central atom xe has five electron groups? ›

    Hybridisation of XeF2

    The arrangement of the electrons of Xenon changes to s2 p5 d1 with two unpaired electrons. Hence the hybridization of the central atom Xe is sp3d. Thus the hybridization of XeF2 molecule is sp3d.

    What is the molecular geometry shape? ›

    The 5 molecular geometries are linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral.

    What is the shape of xef5? ›

    The shape of XeF−5 will be: square pyramidal.

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    Author: Edwin Metz

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    Name: Edwin Metz

    Birthday: 1997-04-16

    Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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    Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.